
iimportlib.dll hatasını giderin

Güvenlik sebebiyle bu dosya indirme için mevcut değildir. Yalnızca belirli DLL sorununun nasıl giderileceğine dair bilgi sunuyoruz.

iimportlib.dll hatasını giderin

[DLL-Files Support - 2015-06-12]

iimportlib.dll might be a safe file but is often a part of the software YAC (Yeat Another Cleaner) Security Protection by by Elex-tech (Elex do Brasil Participações Ltda).

Elex do Brasil Participações Ltda Technology Inc claims to be "a worldwide supplier of self-developed innovative system utilities and security solutions for professional and private use", while in fact they seem to be stealing large bits of tech from Malwarebytes. See this post at the Malwarebytes blog.

YAC has been detected as HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic, W32.HfsAdware.90C9, PUP.Optional.ELEX, Suspicious_GEN.F47V0527 and more.

Users have commented the following:

  • "In reality: yac installs unwanted programs that are hard to remove and takes over control over you computer. After a while advertisement shows up, and the search engine of your browser gets locked."
  • "This site hosts rogue security software! Avoid!"

If YAC is a program you want to keep using, re-install it, making sure your other anti virus programs does not interfere.

iimportlib.dll sorununu çözmekte daha fazla yardıma mı ihtiyacın var?

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