
updater_task.dll hatasını giderin

Güvenlik sebebiyle bu dosya indirme için mevcut değildir. Yalnızca belirli DLL sorununun nasıl giderileceğine dair bilgi sunuyoruz.

updater_task.dll hatasını giderin

[2015-02-10] DLL-Files support says:

files named updater_task.dll , found at C:\users\user\appdata\roaming\updater\updater_task.dll are mostly identified as malware .

This file is scheduled to run in Windows Task Scheduler.

If your antivirus has removed this threat, you will then get an error as follows; "RunDLL. There was a problem starting C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Updater/updater_task.dll... the specified module could not be found."

To stop the error messages, stop the scheduled loading of the removed file.

From your Control Panel, click "System and Security", clicking "Administrative Tools", and then double-click "Task Scheduler".‌ Find and remove the task attempting to load updater_task.dll with RunDLL.

On Windows XP:

Click "Start", click "All Programs", point to "Accessories", point to "System Tools", and then click "Scheduled Tasks". The Scheduled Tasks window opens so that you can modify the settings. Find and remove the task attempting to load updater_task.dll with RunDLL.


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